Weekend Writing Warriors


My lines this week are from my short story Halloween Madness, because it’s October of course 🙂

“Go say hi.” She nudged me and winked suggestively. “I’ve seen him, he’s extremely picky.” Which translated to Cherry just hadn’t been able to get in his pants yet.

“I wouldn’t even know what to say.” I whispered trying not to be heard, with were’s sensitive hearing however there wasn’t much hope for that.

“How about hello?”

I froze the voice touched me to my core. Never had I heard such an amazing sound so sensual and seductive. I felt my wolf respond to that voice.

Halloween Madness

On sale now at Amazon for only .99 go pick up your copy today!

Tish doesn’t know much about being a Werewolf, being changed when she was an adult she never wanted to have much to do with her pack. She doesn’t know about the Halloween Madness that can strike on the full moon around Halloween, an uncontrollable urge to find the ‘one true mate’ that all Werewolves are trying to find. Her best friend Cherry convinces her to go to a Mating Party, a party that Werewolves can go and meet others in hopes of finding their ‘one true mate’ on Halloween. Not knowing about this madness Tish thinks she has found the man of her dreams in Ike at this party. However another has spotted Tish and wants her for himself. It is decided that the two will fight for her and she will have to go with the winner. Tish isn’t sure she wants either man now, not sure if its love or Halloween Madness.

Published by Megan Grooms, Author

I absolutely love creating new stories and characters. One of my favorite parts about writing is hearing from the readers, so hit me up on any Social Media sites. I am an author and stay at home mother/chauffeur of one busy little man. Keep an eye out for new stories, I'm always working on something!

11 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors

  1. Great 8! Love the premise as well. To search/find your mate during a holiday that includes the word ‘madness’ is very clever, Megan. Well done.


  2. Nice description of the friend–just a line lets us know a lot about her personality.

    As for the blurb–I wouldn’t want either of two men who thought they could decide who ‘got’ me. o_O


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